Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thoughts about owning a Royal Enfield

It’s more or less like getting engaged to get married (no offence). Counting days to be together with a soul mate full of lust disguised as love and love in the form of lust.(18 months, they say) Making her yours, after a long wait, all the time getting frustrated because she is not with you, but deep within the four walls of the mind, it echo’s; “She is yours and yours only, custom made from your backbone”

You face the same questions from your peers, over and over; “did you get to test-drive?” What colour, what Reg: number? Are you prepared for this? All you can do is sit there and smile, excited at the same time worried.

Finally on the date of the delivery, you shiver, your hands are cold but the flame in your heart will help you to keep your cool.

Your hand automatically moves in an instinct, to twist the keys to turn her on, she is all yours, you know that and you will take your time to examine the beauty, to stare for the first-time into those rear-view mirrors. “Objects in mirror are closer than what it appears”, true to the core. You are made for each other.

Wink at yourself in the mirror and your image winks back at you; it’s the soul of the machine responding to your desire for intense passion. Press the start button and she bursts into laughter of ravenousness.

Thug thug thug thug thug… goes the sound of her heart beat, take some time to listen and appreciate the music. When you ride or rather make love in the highway, both your heartbeats becomes a symphony, a duet of love.

You will be alone in the highway while the rest of the plastic bikers will eat your dust, because when the machine and the man becomes one, they rarely seem to notice anything else.

Away from the long straight highway, In the country road, you will never feel like moving fast, you will move in a rhythm, letting others get a glimpse of her elegance. You nod or smile at those eyes staring at the two of you with a class that you acquire due to her acquaintance.

It will be a happy love story till the end of time. Even your progeny will speak of your glory as a rider. The machine will be a token of grandeur passed on to them, which they will accept with respect.

PS: I am sick of hearing about this 18 month long booking period for a bullet classic. I grew up seeing Achan and bro getting vehicles within two days… lol. What guarantee that I be alive after 18months… WTF.

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